The Profit and Loss (PnL, P&L) report is a comprehensive financial statement that details a business's revenue and expenses over a specific period. This report is essential for assessing the actual profitability of the business and managing its financial performance.
It includes sections for income and expenditures, with a detailed breakdown of expenses by category. All metrics are calculated not only for the entire clinic but also for each cabinet and employee.
Please note that the PnL report may not be entirely accurate, but it provides a general overview of the clinic's profitability. It is most effective for analysis when focusing on longer periods such as a month, several months, or a year.
To generate a report, go to Reports → Profit and Loss.
By default, the report is generated for the current month. To select a different period, click on the calendar above.
Maximum working time per cabinet is the total number of working hours per clinic according to the work schedule. It is calculated by adding up the working hours for all the working days within the chosen period.
Worked hours in the cabinet – the actual number of hours worked in each cabinet. It is calculated as the total number of hours of patient visits with the Done status in the cabinet.
Worked hours by employee – the actual number of hours worked by each employee. This is calculated as the total number of hours spent on patient visits with the Done status.
2. Overall revenue
Overall revenue per cabinet is calculated as the sum of the works performed in each cabinet.
Overall revenue per employee is calculated as the sum of the works performed by each employee.
Note that in financial accounting, there are two types of expenses: operating expenses (OPEX, also known as selling, general, and administrative expenses) and direct expenses.
Operating expenses (OPEX) is an expense that a business incurs through its normal business operations. Operating expenses include rent, equipment, inventory costs, marketing, insurance.
Direct expenses are those which rely on the manufacture and sale of products or services by a company. Examples of direct expenses are wages, taxes, cost of materials.
To create a list of expenses for accounting purposes, first click on Report Settings at the top right. In the Cost Accounting in PnL section, label each cost category as Direct or Operating and enable or disable specific cost items as necessary.
3. Operating expenses
Operating expenses per cabinet – the total clinic operating expenses, distributed equally among the cabinets.
To review the clinic's operating expenses, click the arrow icon. A window will open, showing all of the clinic's operating expenses categorized and compared to the budget for the selected period.
Next, you can see the Operating expenses per hour and Operating expenses per employee, and by expanding the list, you can also see the breakdown of operating expenses per employee.
4. Direct expenses
Direct expenses per cabinet – the sum of the direct expenses for each cabinet, the details of which can be accessed using the link on the right.
Next, Direct expenses per employee are listed, including salary, tax, other direct expenses, and cost of materials.
5. Profit
This section of the report presents the overall profitability or loss of the clinic for the selected period. It includes breakdowns by categories: Profit per cabinet and Profit per employee.