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Workload of cabinets

The report Workload of cabinets affords analysis of loads for every cabinet and the whole clinic in general using the following key parameters:

  • Maximum cabinet workload - the total number of working hours in the cabinet that are available for creating doctor shifts and/or patient visits;
  • Agreed workload of the cabinet - the total number of hours of assigned work shifts for each cabinet and for each doctor;
  • Actual cabinet workload - the total number of hours of scheduled visits (data is taken from the schedule);
  • Free hours in the cabinet - the total number of hours in the cabinet that are available for making appointments.

All of the above parameters (except for the total value) are calculated separately for each doctor of the clinic, since in Cliniccards, patient visits are linked to the clinic office and to the doctor.

Maximum clinic or cabinet workload.

The maximum workload of a cabinet is the total number of working hours in the clinic and/or cabinet that are available for creating doctor shifts and/or patient visits. This parameter is the same for all cabinets, as it is formed based on the general working schedule of the clinic. The maximum workload of clinics and offices is formed based on the parameters set in the Settings - Schedule section. 

Maximum clinic/cabinet workload = the sum of working hours for the selected period. 

The number of working hours is formed without taking into account days off, despite the fact that the schedule has the option of creating a doctor's shift on a day off or after hours.

At the same time, for a more accurate calculation of the efficiency of using the clinic's working time, you can configure the accounting of working hours in Cliniccards directly to calculate the workload of cabinets. To do this, click the Report Settings button at the top right of the report, then specify the working hours and clinic cabinets whose workload you want to track in this report. For example, if the clinic has a backup cabinet where canceled or missed visits are stored, you can exclude it from the report to avoid calculation errors.

You can also exclude data on clinic hours that are not intended for working with patients from the Workload of cabinets report.

For example, if the clinic reception starts at 9:00 a.m. and the assistants' work shifts start at 8:00 a.m., then in the Settings - Schedule section, you should specify the mode of operation from 8:00 a.m. At the same time, in the report Workload of cabinets in the schedule settings, you need to specify the start of the working day from 9:00.

To do this, click on the Report settings button on the top right and specify the working hours and clinic cabinets whose workload you want to analyze in this report. 

Agreed workload. 

The agreed workload is the total number of hours of assigned work shifts for each cabinet and for each doctor. It is calculated as a percentage and a number (when you hover over the workload indicator, the % parameter is displayed in the table).

Agreed workload % = (Number of appointments / Maximum cabinet workload) * 100

The cabinet workload parameter is calculated for each doctor separately, and the total indicator for each cabinet is calculated.

Actual workload.

Actual workload is the total number of hours of appointments (data is taken from the schedule). The report includes all appointments except for Rescheduled, Missed, and Canceled appointments.

Actual workload % = (Number of hours worked / Maximum cabinet workload) * 100

Free hours.

Free hours are the total number of hours in the cabinet that are available for patients to make appointments. This parameter is calculated as the difference between the maximum and actual workload of the cabinet:

Available hours = Maximum cabinet workload - Actual cabinet workload.

If the number of available hours in the cabinet exceeds 50% of the total number of available hours, the field is highlighted in red. This means that you should pay attention to this indicator because the cabinet is underutilized.

We also recommend you analyze the efficiency of every generated visit chart and the overall engagement of every doctor using the report Doctor load.

Moreover, all scheduled visits in the clinic are available in the report Visit of patients.