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Performed works and their amount

The Manipulations by quantities allows you to track and analyze the amount of work performed using various methods, namely

  • By clinic revenue by price group;
  • By clinic income by price item;
  • By the work performed by doctors;
  • Work performed by month;
  • Completed work by day;
  • Ability to compare the amount of work performed for different periods

Each of the analysis methods has its own chart, graph, or table, and their content can be sorted by period, employee, type of act, and by clinic tag.

Work performed by price groups.

This section of the report is presented in the form of a pie chart that shows the percentage and quantitative share of the amount of work performed for each price section. 

The number and amount of work performed by price sections in this report is also displayed in the form of a table located at the bottom of the report.

Work performed by price items. 

This section of the report is presented in the form of a pie chart that shows the percentage and quantitative share of each price item in relation to the total amount of income.

The list of completed works in this report is also displayed in the form of a table with additional information about their number, amount and percentage of total income. This table is located at the bottom of the report.

Work performed by doctors.

This section of the report displays quantitative indicators of the total cost of work performed by each of the clinic's employees. Data is generated for the selected period, which is indicated in the report header. 

At the bottom of the chart is a table with the indicators of each doctor. The first column contains a list of all specialists who perform the work. The following columns display the selected periods and the total amount of work performed by the specialist for the specified periods.

You can view all the work performed in the clinic in the Performed manipulations report.

Work performed by month and by day.

This section of the report shows the amount of work performed for the selected period - by month and day, respectively.

To change the interval, move the slider above to the desired position.

The Compare periods option is activated at the beginning of the report. It allows you to select two arbitrary periods and analyze the report data for them. In the Comparison mode, all charts and tables in the report (except for the Performed work by month and by day) will be displayed in two columns of different colors.

You can also download the data from this report as an Excel spreadsheet using the Save as *.xlsx (Excel) button at the end of the page.