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A single management system for a cosmetology clinic

Management of patients' medical records and automation of clinic work processes in one space

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Smart schedule

The clinic's interactive schedule will provide all important information on patients in a matter of seconds. More details

Accurate accounting of materials and drugs

Keeping records of goods, materials, drugs and instruments ensures the smooth operation of each specialist and the entire clinic. Specialists perform manipulations and procedures, and the system automatically writes off all materials and tools used from the balance sheet.

Visual perception of the treatment history

Dynamic patient treatment history, which stores files of all formats in chronological order and in an unlimited number. More details

Online patients appointments

Your online ‘virtual receptionist’ allows patients to make an appointment with the right specialist in a few clicks, at their convenience.

Full control over finances

A real picture of your business in one click. P&L, salaries and more than 40 financial and operational reports will show how to quickly reduce costs, close unprofitable manipulations, when to invest in the business, calculate salaries and make the necessary purchases. More details

Team work in one space

In Cliniccards, doctors create treatment plans and stages together, share comments and files, schedule tasks, create reminders for each other and monitor their completion. The Assistant always understands what should be prepared for each subsequent appointment, what materials and tools are needed. The Administrator knows, without leaving the reception area, what manipulations were carried out for the patient and how much it costs. The Manager and the Owner - sees a complete picture of the work of each specialist and the clinic in general. More details

All tasks in one service

The main problem of the dental clinics' work quality is the lack of structure and clear organization. It is difficult to keep things in order when part of the workflow is in a notebook, another part is on paper documents in which it is difficult to find what is needed, and many more cases are scattered among different applications. Cliniccards took this into account and combined everything you need in a single service: now every employee can perform the necessary tasks using only Cliniccards. More details

Comprehensive treatment plans

Finally, doctor and patient can communicate "in one language", because treatment plans are simple and clear both for specialists and patients. More details

Feedback from our users

VIC klinika
VIC klinika
We searched for a long time and finally found the best program for a treatment facility. From treatment information in one place to a wide range of management reports. One way to simplify your live work is to use the Cliniccards program. Thank you for striving to improve!
VIC klinika
Natalia Veretennikova
Why Cliniccards is MORE THAN a crm system)
Q:clinic has been on the Ukrainian market for 17 years. We have had the opportunity to work with the crm system since its opening in 2005, and we certainly have something to compare it with! Cliniccards is convenient, innovative and multifunctional. You are always one step ahead of your customers' wishes!
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Myroslava Drohomyretska Aesthetic Dentistry Clinic
Myroslava Drohomyretska Aesthetic Dentistry Clinic
Cliniccards is currently one of the most advanced dental applications for communication between a team of doctors. We would like to note the mobile application. The user interface and user experience are convenient and well thought out. It is convenient to prescribe treatment plans, download photo protocols, and make collages from the phone.
Myroslava Drohomyretska Aesthetic Dentistry Clinic
Solonko Sovyak
Solonko Sovyak
Myroslav Solonko
The Cliniccards service is built into the basis of all management activities of our clinic.
It is a universal tool that embodied all our needs for running a medical center, for communication between doctors and for creating a digital database and digital patient cards.
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Solonko Sovyak
Viktor Kryzhanovskyi
Cliniccards is a cool tool that helps us in our daily work
Communication between doctors regarding complex patient management, quality control of specialists work, reminders about scheduled appointments, management accounting and much more! When the war started, our doctors and patients were scattered all over the country and thanks to Cliniccards...
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Anton Reznikov
When the war started, everyone was shocked and did not understand what to do next, how to act.
But starting from the third day of the war we started free charity receptions. The flow was frantic, the administrators were in evacuation and my new Operations Director Maksym started to write down on A4 sheets all those who wanted to come with acute pain.
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Central Dental Clinic
Central Dental Clinic
I have been an active user of Cliniccards since 2017-18, I want to say that now I cannot imagine the work of my clinic without this program! In my clinic, all processes are set up with the help of Cliniccards! It's nice that the company does not stand still and works all the time and adds new useful functions for dentists and Cliniccards owners for even more convenient business) Therefore, I recommend all dentists to adapt Cliniccards to their own work and then it will be more efficient and will bring more pleasure!)
Central Dental Clinic
Dubnov clinic
Dubnov clinic
Denis Podilchuk
A modern CRM system that meets the requirements of the time in terms of functionality, many integrations with other systems. Good customer support. Before switching to Cliniccards, we tested the possibility of hacking their database - reliable protection, your information will be more secure compared to classic (server) systems Very, very well thought out moments of usability (convenience and ease of use)!
Dubnov clinic
Great professional team! By far the best product that successfully combines all the necessary modules - thanks to which the issues of administration, accounting of medical records, communication of clinic doctors, staff and dental laboratory, financial control and reporting, productivity analysis and workload of the medical institution are effectively solved.
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STEMMA Clinic, STEMMA Wellness
STEMMA Clinic, STEMMA Wellness
Our team has been working with the Сliniccards program since 2020. During this time, the work of the entire clinic moved to a qualitatively higher level. It is important that this program is based on the clinical thinking of the founders! This puts Сliniccards in first place among all CRM systems used in dentistry. A stylish and modern interface of the program, the possibility of quick presentations for patients...
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STEMMA Clinic, STEMMA Wellness
NEOCLINIC international medical and educational center of gnathology, stomatology and plastic surgery
NEOCLINIC international medical and educational center of gnathology, stomatology and plastic surgery
Cliniccards is more than a CRM. For us, this is the main tool for the work of the clinic. We use the program in its full version, and we are very satisfied with it. This is a product that allows us to provide high-quality and convenient service to patients, coordinate doctors, and work in templates in accordance with our philosophy! Thank you for the opportunity to develop and improve processes together!!! We highly recommend it to everyone!!!
NEOCLINIC international medical and educational center of gnathology, stomatology and plastic surgery
Lumiere Perio Dental
Lumiere Perio Dental
Our clinic team has been using the Cliniccards program for 5 years already. In our opinion, the Cliniccards service is the best among other representatives on the market, as it combines important functions for both doctors and clinic management. The program makes it possible to flawlessly communicate between all members of the team in solving any issues. Also, a very important factor in any software is its simplicity, ease and convenience of use, and that's all about Cliniccards.
Lumiere Perio Dental

Frequently asked questions

Where and how is the information I enter into Cliniccards stored?
Cliniccards is a cloud-based data storage service, so all information is stored in the cloud environment. To work with the Cliniccards system, the world's most reliable Amazon server, located in Germany, is used, while the data is transmitted in an encrypted form over a secure https channel. In addition, the system automatically creates a backup copy of data (mirror copy) every day, so the risk of data loss is reduced to zero.

Unconditional advantages of data storage in the cloud:
  • Savings - of space, time and money for the purchase, installation, configuration and maintenance of a local server in the clinic
  • Protection against virus attacks - Amazon's server technology eliminates the possibility of a virus attack and data loss due to this No risk of data loss - because all data is stored in the cloud, you have access to it, even in case of failure or loss of your devices or equipment
  • The possibility of access from anywhere in the world - cloud technologies expand the geography of your work within the limits of the entire world, unlike software that is installed locally on the device.

  • So, as you see, data storage in the cloud is not just a trend. This is the only solution that will provide you with the highest level of data storage security and reliability in work!
    Can I lose access to the information I store in Cliniccards?
    For users of the FREE version (simplified free patient card file), access to the system is not limited in time.
    Users of the PRO version and clinic owners who receive full functionality, including scheduling, finances, reports, settings, etc., can access the environment only with a paid account.

    In case of non-payment for the PRO version, the information uploaded by the user to the clinic (including patient cards) is stored for 180 days from the date of invoice.
    Who can see the data I store in Cliniccards and my patient database?
    Each Cliniccards user has a closed account that can only be accessed using a personal login and password. That is, no one, except the account owner, can access the information entered by him in his private space.

    Exceptions are cases when the user voluntarily provides access to the history or stages of the patient's treatment history to other specialists.

    In addition, each user can set additional protection for his account - two-factor authentication. This means that the authorization in Cliniccards must be confirmed with the help of a code that is sent to the set phone number.
    How to ensure the confidentiality of information storage if I am the owner of the clinic?
    To ensure the highest level of confidentiality of the clinic, Cliniccards provides a large number of access rights settings. The owner of the clinic can limit each employee's personal access to various types of data, determine the right to perform certain actions, set the period during which this data can be available and allow or prohibit the possibility of editing any actions and data in the clinic.

    Additionally, you can configure access to clinic data by IP so that certain users can view data only when they are within the clinic.
    How to install Cliniccards on a computer or phone?
    Since Cliniccards is a cloud-based service, you don't need to install any software on the device you plan to work on.
    To work from a computer, it is enough to open a browser (Google Chrome is recommended), go to the website and log in.
    How can I transfer my patient database to Cliniccards?
    The automatic loading of the patient database allows you to significantly simplify the start of work in Cliniccards.
    If the database is stored in Excel spreadsheet format, the following patient data can be downloaded:
  • full name;
  • phone number;
  • discount;
  • date of birth;
  • comment.

  • In addition, from the very beginning, you can also import the price yourself. This will automate all further work of your clinic in Cliniccards.
    If I share a patient card with another specialist, what information will they see?
    The specialist to whom you provide access to the patient's card can only see the patient's history or stage of treatment history.
    Information about documents, appointments, treatment plans, finances and any personal information on the patient (including contact details) will be hidden.