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Cash Desks

The module Cash Desks contains the most relevant information on the account and cash desk balance as of the view date. Cash Desks is an automatic module of Cliniccards that shows any actions related to the financial transactions performed in the system. This module is a compulsory one.

The guidelines on how to work with the module Cash Desk are provided in this section.

More information on the mode setting up is in the section Cash Desks of the Help.

The following financial transactions are executed in the clinic through the module Cash Desk:

  • Flow of funds between the cash desks;
  • Currency exchange;
  • Reports of debit and credit;
  • Funds withdrawal from a cash desk, i.e. encashment.

All cash desk transactions are divided into three types:

  • Profit transactions;
  • Spending transactions;
  • Profit and spending transactions.

Every transaction type is further divided into several subtypes depending on the type of actions performed in Cliniccards.

Profit transactions is receipt of funds into a cash desk. These transactions result in an increase of the cash desk balance by the amount received. The profit transactions are patient payments, putting of money into a cash desk and money refund by a supplier.

Spending transactions is spending of funds from a cash desk that results in a balance decrease by the corresponding amount. The spendings are cash desk encashment, refunds to patients, clinic spendings, payment of salaries and taxes.

Spending and profit transactions are transactions that result in withdrawal of funds from one cash desk and putting them into another. Such transactions are flow of funds between the cash desks and currency exchange with a clinic.

The guidelines on the Cash Desk module operation are provided in the section. The settings of the module are described in the section Cash Desk settings of the Help.



A profit transaction is any receipt of money in a cash desk. Such transactions result in an increase of the cash desk balance by the appropriate amount. Profit transactions are patient payments, putting money into a cash desk, other clinic income and money refunds from a supplier.

  • Patient payments

The system automatically registers all patient payments as profit transactions and they appear in the cash desks in the category Receipts. A specialist can click the Accept a payment button in the section Finances of a patient card or in a mini patient card in a clinic Schedule to accept a patient payment in the system.An accepted balance increases a patient's financial balance by the appropriate amount. Thus, a payment either covers an already available debt in a patient card or creates an advance payment that will be written off (partially or completely) when the next act of performed works is created.

Follow the link to know more details on how to work with patient finances. 

  • Putting of cash into a cash desk 

Putting of cash into a cash desk is a service transaction that is usually executed when subsidiary money is put into a cash desk.

The transaction Putting of money into a cash desk is executed on the main page of the module Cash Desks. Click the Depositing + button on the toolbar of the cash desk where the funds are deposited. Specify the appropriate deposit amount, date and comment, if necessary, in the box.

  • Refund of funds by suppliers 

This transaction is also a profit one. To execute the transaction, open the profile of the appropriate contractor on the page Cash Desks → Contractors → Contractor profile button.Then click the Money refund button on the page.

Fill in all the appropriate fields in a new box Payment refund and save:

The transaction of Payment refund from a contractor deducts the appropriate amount from the total contract balance (a debt is created) and puts the amount into the selected cash desk as a deposit.

  • Income

Income is a receipt of other payments (not patient payments) to a clinic cash desk. For example, this could be a cabinet lease by an external specialist. The related receipts to the clinic cash desks can be shown on the main page of the module Cash Desk. Click the button Deposit + on the panel of the cash desk where the funds are received to execute the transaction.

Then specify Income in the box in the field Transaction. Specify an income amount, date and leave a comment, if necessary, in the field Transaction.



A Spending transaction is a withdrawal of funds from a cash desk that results in decrease of a cash desk balance by the appropriate amount. The spendings are cash desk encashment, refund of funds to a patient, clinic spendings and salary payments.

  • Cash Desk encashment
    Cash Desk Encashment is a service cash desk transaction resulting in money withdrawal.

To execute the transaction, go to the main page of the module Cash Desks, then click the Encashment button ( – ) on the panel of the appropriate cash desk.

Specify a withdrawn amount in the appropriate field and also a date and a comment, if necessary. When the transaction is saved, a balance of the selected cash desk is decreased by the appropriate amount.

  • Refund of funds to a patient

Refunding funds to a patient is also a spending transaction. Click the appropriate Refund money button in the section Finances of a patient card to refund money to a patient.

Specify a refund amount, date and a cash desk, funds from which will be withdrawn for refund purposes, in the box.

  • Clinic spendings

Clinic Spendings are specified in the module Cash Desks as spending transactions. Keeping records of clinic spendings in Cliniccards ensures simple management of settlements with suppliers, invoice payment monitoring and payment of salary to the clinic specialists.

Go to Reports → Spendings or module Cash Desks Spendings to add clinic spendings.

You can also click the Add a spending button on the panel of the appropriate cash desk on the main page of the module Cash Desks to add a spending.

  • Salary payment

Payment of salary to a clinic specialist is automatically registered as a spending transaction and appears in the section Cash Desks → Spendings or in a salary accrual table in the section Reports → Salary accrual.

More information on a salary accrual and payment is available in the section Salary



Profit and spending transactions are the transactions when funds are withdrawn from one cash desk and immediately put to the other one. Such transactions are transfer of money between the cash desks and currency exchange within a clinic. 

  • Transfer of money between the cash desks

Transfer of money between the cash desks is an important cash desk transaction that ensures operational financial management because the system shows flow of funds within a clinic in a real time. The following transactions are simply followed up and regulated:

  • transfer of daily receipts from the cash desk Reception to the cash desk Safe or to the settlement account of a clinic
  • transfer of patient funds from the cash desk Deposit to the cash desk Reception when provided services are paid from the patient deposit account.
  • Any other transactions related to the transfer of funds to a cash desk.
  • Currency exchange

Functions of the cash desk section Exchange rate enable transfer of funds between the cash desks operating with different currencies with due consideration to the conversion at the determined exchange rate. For example, this function is convenient when a certain amount in USD shall be converted in UAH and then the amount in UAH is transferred to the UAH cash desk to pay operating costs.

A currency exchange transaction is actually a transfer of money between the cash desks because the transaction provides that an appropriate amount of money in Currency 1 is withdrawn from the Cash Desk 1 and the appropriate amount converted at the actual exchange rate into Currency 2 is put in Cash Desk 2.

When the Exchange transaction is executed for Cash Desk 1, then the action is recorded as a spending transaction. The same transaction is considered to be a profit one for Cash Desk 2 where the converted amount is put. It means that a Cash Desk 2 balance is increased by the amount in Currency 2.

A total clinic balance for the selected period and a currency balance at the actual exchange rate are at the bottom of the page.