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Work with Cash Desks in Cliniccards

The module Cash Desks consists of the following sections, each of which registers and displays information that complies with certain categories:

  • Cash Desks contains patient payments, spendings, information on the money put to the cash desk, encashment and transfer of funds from one cash desk to another.
  • Transactions contains the same information as the Cash Desk tab but it is provided as an expanded table with all the necessary information on every transaction executed in the clinic.
  • PRT contains a list of all payment transactions recorders registered in the clinic. Here you can start/finish a shift, generate recorder reports.
  • Contractors contains a full list of clinic suppliers and main balance figures for each of them;
  • Spendings is a section with an interactive table containing information on all clinic spendings.
  • Exchange rates is a tab where you can set a current exchange rate, determine a currency for every cash desk and set an employee access right to change a currency rate;
  • Settings is a tab where you can add cash desks, delete them from the list of active ones and set an employee access rights for every cash desk.

The tab Cash Desks contains relevant information on the funds currently deposited in the account and in the cash desk. Herewith, the funds available in the cash desk as of the beginning and end of the selected period (today, tomorrow, for a week, etc.) are also considered.

Important: you should specify the right Cash Desk and a payment type when you get money from your patients to ensure that accurate financial information is displayed in the section Cash Desks.

You may also execute the following cash desk transactions using the tab:

  • Transfer money between the cash desks;
  • Exchange currency;
  • Enter receipt and spending data;
  • Withdraw money from the cash desk, i.e. execute encashment.

The cash desk transactions are divided in three types:

  • Profit transactions;
  • Spending transactions;
  • Profit-spending transactions.

Each of the transaction types is divided into several subtypes depending on the type of action performed in Cliniccards.

Profit transactions is a receipt of money in the cash desk. Such transactions increase your cash desk balance by the amount received. Patient payments, receipt of money in the cash desk, refunds from contractors are profit transactions.

Spending transactions is spending of money from the cash desk resulting in decrease of the cash desk balance by the appropriate amount. Spendings are cash desk encashment, clinic spendings and salary payment.

Spending and profit transactions are the transactions where money withdrawn from one cash desk is put to the other one. Such transactions are transfers of money between cash desks and currency exchanges within the clinic.