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Exchange rates

Exchange rates is a section where you can specify an actual exchange rate in a clinic, view a history of exchange rates and set up an access right to change a currency rate for every employee.

Perform the following settings before using alternative currencies:

  • Select alternative currency.

Select alternative currencies to be used in a clinic before using a multicurrency price list. To do so, go to Settings → Other → Clinic Settings. This option is available only to a clinic owner. 

  • Set a current exchange rate.

When alternative currencies are selected, you can relate specific price list items to the appropriate currencies and then quickly recalculate cost of the items when the exchange rate is changed. Go to Cash Desks → Exchange rates to set the parameter.

  • Recalculate the price list items in accordance with the current exchange rate.

Recalculate the value of the price list items related to the alternative currency when an actual exchange rate is added.

Go to Price list settings and click a symbol of the appropriate currency in the right top corner above the price list table to recalculate the value.

Herewith, a value of the price list items is in the main clinic currency.

  • Add cash desks to accept payments in alternative currencies.

If you plan to accept payments in a currency other than the main clinic currency, add the appropriate currency cash desks in Cash Desks → Settings → Add a Cash Desk button. More information on how to set up cash desks is available in Cash Desk settings of the Help.



Select a cash desk operating with the appropriate currency from the list of already created cash desks, specify an accepted payment amount and correct a transaction rate, if necessary, to show a patient payment in Cliniccards in the payment acceptance box if the payment is in the alternative current. It is also recommended to leave a comment on the payment and specify that this is a currency payment because a patient card balance is calculated in the main currency of the clinic.