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The section Costs is provided as an interactive report to record all spending transactions executed in a clinic. This report ensures simple management of settlements with suppliers, tracking of invoice payments and payment of salary and payroll taxes of the clinic specialists.

Perform the following settings before tracking spendings in your clinic.



The spendings are added to Cliniccards by any convenient mean:

Pay taxes button is also available in the report. Use the button to add the payroll taxes of the appropriate clinic specialists to the list of spendings.

More information on the calculation of payroll taxes is provided in the section Salary accrual of the Help.

Specify the following spending information in the box independent of the selected spending adding method:

  • Supplier 
  • Cost category
  • Period (for regular spendings) is an optional parameter convenient for such spendings as lease or utilities.
  • Paid amount
  • Date on which a spending was added. An act date (date in past or in future) is not restricted in Cliniccards.
  • Comment is a parameter for a fast search of the appropriate records in the reports by key words. For example, specify all the purchased materials in the comments when a spending is created.
  • Specialist is an information field that enables sorting out by the clinic specialists related to the spendings (a clinic participant who is an order recipient is usually specified in the field Specialists) in the report Spendings.



A spending created in Cliniccards creates a debt equal to the appropriate amount in a contractor profile and a created payment covers the debt.

There are two ways of making payments available to a contractor:

  1. The slider Add payment immediately when a spending is added;
  2. Later you can Add a payment in a contractor profile when the spending is actually paid.

Click the Counterpartie profile in Cash Desk →Counterparties to make a payment to a contractor.

Then click the Make a payment to a contractor button on the page. Select an already created invoice you want to pay from the box. Also specify a payment amount and a cash desk, from which you will make a payment. Leave a comment, if necessary. Save.



This option shows a fact of refund from a contractor in the system. Open a profile of the appropriate contractor Cash Desks → Counterparties Counterpartie profile button to execute the transaction. 

Then click the Money refund button on the page.



Salary payment is a spending transaction that is automatically related to the category of clinic spendings. Go to the tab Cash Desks → Costs or Reports → Costs + Pay a salary button to add a salary payment spending. A clinic cash desks, money from which is withdrawn, are obligatory specified when a salary payment record is saved.