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Editing log

The report Editing log allows tracking of activities performed by all employees in the clinic and stores a history of every change made to the information in the Cliniccards system in the table format.
The first column shows the parameters used to sort information about the executed activities and changes saved in the Cliniccards system. There are the following criteria: 

  • Date to choose a period when an activity has been executed.
  • Patient to track a history of changes made for an individual patient.
  • Section to select the section or subsection of the system in which the changes have occurred.
  • Details to view detailed information on every activity and find the necessary information using an action string.
  • Specialist to select any clinic employee from the list and track the actions he/she has executed.

Go to the Settings  → Access rights Access to the editing log to control access of the clinic employees to the report.