Clinic reports
There are a lot of reports on the main clinic processes and events and reports enabling financial performance analysis in the group of reports Clinic Reports.
These are the following reports:
- General clinic reports is a report that contains information on the general financial performance of the clinic and groups patient payments by legal persons.
- Doctor load is a report to follow up and analyze a load of the clinic specialists in terms of number of patients, appointed and worked hours and average value of a doctor's work.
- Cabinet load is a report to analyze a load of every cabinet and total clinic load.
- Performed works and amount of the works is a report to follow up profit margins of the performed manipulations by different means.
- How do new patients know about clinic is a report showing different sources used to attract patients in percentage and in quantitative terms.
- Spending categories is a report that shows amounts spent in a clinic in percentage and in quantitative terms.
- Editing log is a report to follow up actions of all clinic employees and stores the history of all amendments of information made in Cliniccards. This report is in the form of a table.
- Patient recommendations is a report to follow up which of your patients recommend your services and how many of your new patients have been attracted by these recommendations.
- Spendings is a report to keep records of all spending transactions in a clinic.
- Delay in patient visits shows a time during which a patient waits for a visit.
- Report on the first-time patients is a report to follow up a conversion of the first-time patients into the regular ones.
- Financial reports is the most convenient financial reporting tool as it combines three reports on financial transactions in your clinic.
- Treatment plans is a report to follow up a current treatment stage for every patient in the clinic.
More detailed description of the operational principle of every report is provided below.