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Time tracker

This parameter enables automation of the work time recording for every employee of the clinic. This option is of special interest for assistants and administrators.

Do the following to activate the system of an automatic work time recording:

Activate the option Tracker next to those employees whose schedule shall be controlled by the software in the table of the records of all salary calculation parameters Setting → Specialist salary.

  1. Specify a rate amount for every employee whose salary is based on the hourly rates (for example, for assistants) in the table Hourly rate.
  2. Specify an amount of rate paid for the overtime hours, if any, in the field Hourly rate 2.

The Start shift button will appear in the upper left corner above the New patient button when you execute actions described above in Section 1.

Click the Start a shift button to make Cliniccards start counting work hours of a certain employee. The employee shall click the Finish a shift button and confirm the action when his/her work day is over.

Important: set your clinic IP-address in Settings → Access rights → Access by IP to ensure as accurate work time record as possible.

An owner may use the setting to track a location, from which an employee shift is started and finished. Thus, there is Location - In the clinic in the Work time report when an employee starts/finishes his/her shift using the clinic Wi-Fi network. The Location is Out of the clinic when an employee uses any other Internet-access point to start/finish a shift.

The system automatically calculates the employee salary on the basis of the worked hours and hourly rate (if any in the table of the employee salary setting) when a shift is finished.

The summary salary calculation table for all employees is in Reports → Salary accrual.

Switch from the parameter Time Calculation by Finished Shifts to the Calculate Time by Tracker at the bottom of the table to view the salary calculation based on the time tracker data.