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The next stage of the clinic setting following the adding of employees and actual price list is a salary accrual for the clinic employees. 

Cliniccards uses flexible calculation parameters to ensure an automatic salary accrual for all clinic specialists.

Follow the sequence of steps to set up a specialist salary:

Salary settings include:

  • Adding of a Salary coefficient, i.e. rates of performed works
  • Adding of hourly rates 
  • Adding of fixed rates
  • Time tracker
  • Salary payment table
  • Salary reports

Go to Settings → Specialist salary to specify the salary rates and coefficients.

The employees are grouped by different categories according to their official duties in the table of the salary calculation parameters. Go to Settings → Access rights → Employee role (under the name and photo of the employee) to change the role of the employee in the clinic.

The salary of every employee is calculated as total parameters specified in the table Salary settings + parameters specified in the Salary coefficient settings.  Thus, the salary is calculated according to the formula:

Specialist salary = Rate + Hourly Rate + % of works + Perks - Fees



Fixed rate is an amount of monthly money benefits (remuneration) paid to an employee for performing his/her official duties.

The rate is added to other types of remunerations, including the percent of the cost of performed works and perks.

An amount of the rate automatically accrued to a specialist is specified in the table of the Salary Settings in the corresponding column Rate.

At the same time, you can once specify another specialist rate in Reports Salary accrual if the rate this month was different than the one set by default. Herewith, this rate specified in the Salary Accrual Rate will not affect the salary in the next months.



Hourly rate enables automatic calculation of a salary of employees who are paid hourly rates, for example, for assistants and/or administrators.

All changes in the working hours of the employees shall be correctly reflected in the schedule to perform automatic salary calculation.

All worked shifts of the clinic employees are available in one of the following reports:

If you use a tracker in your clinic to keep records of work time, the total amount of an employee salary is calculated on the basis of the number of worked hours fixed by the tracker.

Hourly rate 2 is almost the same as the parameter Hourly Rate and the only difference is that you can use the parameters to calculate an employee salary in accordance with the tariff other than the basic one. For example, this can be related to the work during the after hours and days off.