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The price list is the basis for automating all processes of working with patients in Cliniccards.

By default, a sample price list is available in the Settings → Price section, which should be edited according to the list of services and their cost in your clinic.

You can delete, move, rename, and assign different colors to price sections and items.

Please note that only two price list parameters are available by default - Item name and Price. To activate additional parameters, such as Item code, Discount, and Comment, go to Settings → Price → Price settings.

In this section, you will see the price list layout and columns with additional parameters that can be activated by checking the selection box.

These parameters should be set at the time of uploading the price list or edited later. 

  • Item code

This option greatly speeds up the work of the administrator and accounting department, as it allows you to assign an individual code for each price item, which is convenient for searching and identifying manipulations in work completion certificates and reports.

  • Discount

When creating a price list, you can set the maximum allowable discount for each manipulation (in percentage or monetary equivalent), as well as prohibit discounts for certain price items.

You can also set the default discount parameter for each item (specify the discount for the item in percentage or monetary equivalent), which will further simplify the work, since a percentage or absolute discount for specific manipulations will be assigned automatically when it is provided in a treatment plan or a quick act.

  • Comment

This option allows you to specify additional information about the manipulation, service, or drug, thereby facilitating the work of employees (for example, you can specify recommendations for the use of the drug, or its composition, manufacturer, etc.)


You have an option to manually edit the prices in the price list if you need to change the prices for specific items. If you need to edit the entire price or certain sections, click on the Price list editing button at the top right, and set the parameters.

  1. Adjust how the price changes

First, select from the drop-down list in the Increase prices for field to indicate how the prices will change:

  • Increase (or reduce) prices for % – if you need to adjust prices by a certain percentage;
  • Increase (or reduce) prices for UAH – if you need to adjust prices by a specific amount in the main currency of the clinic;
  • Increase (or reduce) prices for EUR (USD, etc.) – these options will be available if you use alternative price currencies.

Then, in the Change price to field, specify a percentage or an amount in monetary equivalent, depending on which price change setting was selected in the previous field.

Please take note of the following text:

  1. Adjust rounding parameters

Select one of the price rounding options from the drop-down list:

  • No rounding;
  • Round down;
  • Round up to more.

If you choose Round Down (or Up), another drop-down list will appear with options to round prices to: 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, or 100.

  1. Select positions you need to update

In this section, you can Select all or Cancel all positions and Minimize price sections. The same buttons are located in the upper right of each price section, in case you need to edit specific sections rather than the entire price.

You can also search for price positions using the following parameters:

  • Position name or code;
  • Price from;
  • Price to.

After making all the necessary changes, click on the Save button.


A cost of the price list items may be related to the cost of an alternative current. Cliniccards recalculates the price list in one click when the currency rate is changed. Herewith, only the main currency is used for the settlements with patients.

A clinic owner is the only person who can set the function the following way:

  1. Go to Settings → Other → Clinic settings.
  2. Specify the main currency of your clinic and add alternative price list items.
  3. Link the corresponding currencies to the price list items, which cost shall be calculated on the basis of the exchange rate.

To link a currency to the price list item, go to the price list settings and specify the amount in the alternative currency for every item, which price shall be linked to the main clinic currency.

Important! The cost of the main price is rounded up to the whole number when the final cost is recalculated.

Then you can calculate the cost of all price list items in one click when the exchange rate is changed.

Go to Settings → Price list, change the exchange rate and click the symbol of the necessary currency to update prices in the price list.

Go to the Patient treatment plan click All plans button and use the option Recalculate the plans in accordance with the price list to update the price of every plan if you need to recalculate a cost of a patient treatment plan due to the change of prices in the price list.

There are also the following additional price list settings and options available in Cliniccards:



We recommend you to import available clinic price lists in Excel format to start working with Cliniccards as soon as possible. The price list table configuration shall comply with the sample below to ensure correct download of data to  Cliniccards.

Make sure that your price list table is in compliance with the following requirements before importing:

  1. The first column is always the name of a price list item.
  2. The second column is the code of a price list item (first version) or the price of the price list item (second version).
  3. The third column is only in Version 1 of the table. It includes data on the price of a price list item.

Important: the names of the price list items shall have a joined cells’ configuration, namely Column 1 + Column 2 + Column 3 for the first version of the table or Column 1 + Column 2 for the second version of the Table.


There are two levels of the rights of access to the price list in Cliniccards, namely General settings of the access rights and Access to the price list sections.

Go to the general right access settings  to restrict the access right for any specialist of the clinic. Then the specialist has no access to the price list settings (editing of the item names, change of prices, editing of discounts, price list import/export, setting of access to the price list sections, etc.). Herewith, the specialist still can make treatment plans and quick acts.

By default all clinic employees have access to all price list sections. Therefore, a clinic owner can individually restrict access to the price list sections for every clinic employee. This option allows you to facilitate work of employees engaged in different areas and minimize a probability of errors in the treatment plans and quick plans (for example, a surgeon may have access only to the price list section Surgery, and an orthodontist - to Orthodontology).

Go to Settings → Price list → Access to the price list sections to set the access rights.



Download an actual price list of your clinic in the handy format (Excel table or Word document). Go to Settings → Price list → downloadchoose a file format and where to save the download price list on your computer.



You can add a price list in a foreign language if you need one to work with foreign patients.

Go to Settings → Other → Document templates  and create a special Template of the Act in order to save and give your patient an act in a language other than the main one.

When you create the template, delete the table of the performed works used by default from the act template. Then select one of the corresponding tables of performed works (for example, TABLE OF PERFORMED WORKS (in other language) and save the template on the toolbar.

You can select the tables on the print page of the act of performed works in the section Finances of the patient card. Herewith, the act of performed works remains unchanged and the main currency of the clinic is still the currency of the act.

Then you can print the act in other language. Go to Patients → Finances → Create a fast invoice. Thus, an act with the corresponding translation will appear when you select the necessary act template.