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Schedule settings for Cosmetology

Setting up a schedule for a cosmetology clinic in Cliniccards is the same as for a dental clinic (read more here). 

In addition, a cosmetology clinic can add equipment used in the procedure to the appointment and track the history of the location of this equipment in the cabinets and chairs.

To select the cosmetology specialization for your clinic (if you did not do this during registration), go to Settings → Other → Clinic Settings → Other and select Cosmetology in Specialization.

To be able to add equipment to the schedule, do the following:

  1. Go to Settings → Schedule → Equipment;
  2. Click the green Create a new equipment category button at the bottom right and enter a category;
  3. Press the plus sign Add an item of equipment to a category;
  4. Select a category color if necessary by clicking the palette icon on the right.

After creating categories and equipment items, you can add them to the appointment:

  1. Go to the Schedule and create an Appointment (by right-clicking or double-clicking in the desired location, then selecting Create appointment from the drop-down menu);
  2. In the Appointment window, complete the required fields and choose the equipment to be used during the visit from the drop-down list in the Equipment.

In this case, appointments in the schedule that include added equipment will be marked with a colored circle corresponding to the equipment's category, along with the first character of its name. If the equipment has been archived, the circle will be colorless. Additionally, if you reduce the size of the cabinet in the schedule, these marks will not be displayed.