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PSR test

The PSR test allows you to quickly and conveniently describe the general health of the patient's gums. The work on filling out the periodontal screening test is performed in the Treatment history section of the patient's card.

To create a PSR test as a new step in the treatment history, click the PSR test button. After that, the system will generate a new stage in the treatment history with a form for filling out the periodontal screening test.

In this stage, you can assign an index to each of the 6 segments according to the diagnosis performed. Each index has its own color: 0 - white; 1 - blue; 2 - blue; 3 - orange; 4 - red.

Please note! In addition to numerical indices, there are two special indices:

"-" - this index means that either no examination was performed in this segment or the teeth are completely absent. It is white in color.

"*" - this index means special periodontal problems (furcation, gingival recessions deeper than 3 mm, tooth mobility) and is red in color.

After all the necessary indices are set for all segments, click the Save button. A new stage will be created in the patient's treatment history with a schematic representation of the PSR test.

You can print out the completed PSR test by clicking the Print button.