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Treatment plans

Treatment plans and Treatment history are a basis of the medical part of a patient card in Cliniccards. A doctor can plan a preliminary treatment sequence and its cost for a patient on the basis of the data of diagnostics and photographic diagnosis.



A specialist shall follow the sequence of steps to create a treatment plan:

1. Go to the tab treatment plans in the selected patient card.

There are two ways to create a treatment plan available to a specialist in this section:

  • Create a treatment plan;
  • Create a treatment plan using a template.

Click the Create a treatment plan button to open a new form where a specialist creates treatment stages that do not depend on the selected treatment approach.

Click the Create a plan using template button to use already created plan templates as a basis for a new patient treatment plan.

The main purpose of the treatment plan templates is to facilitate the work of doctors because ready templates are very convenient for planning of treatment of the typical medical cases.

Go to Settings → Other → Treatment plan templates to create treatment plan templates.

A treatment plan template supposes that only stages and their sequence can be planned in advance. Actually, a specialist will have to select an area where the treatment stages will be performed at the dental formula, and then select and assign manipulations from the treatment plan when a treatment plan template is used. Unnecessary treatment stages are just deleted.

2. Open a patient diagnosis data.

A panel containing all images from the patient treatment history is added to Cliniccards to ensure more convenient and precise treatment plan making. Click the button in the bottom right corner to display a panel.

3. Create a new treatment plan stage.

A treatment plan is different from the quick acts because it contains a dental formula and is compulsory divided into the stages that correspond to the actual patient treatment process.

Click the Add a stage button or anywhere on the free space in the treatment plan head to add a new treatment stage.

4. Select a dental formula format.

Click the O button in the upper right corner of the required stage to change a dental formula view in the treatment stage.

5. Add manipulations from the price list.

A treatment plan creation form, including the stages, already created price list and a field with a patient diagnosis data (images, periapical X-ray, OPTG, etc.) are  available to a user in the editing mode.

First, a specialist has to click the corresponding areas on the dental formula to activate them. Then assign manipulations for the areas from the price list. Click the appropriate price list item to do so.

The system always assigns manipulations from the price list for the areas that are active when an item is selected from the price list. It means that if you need to assign different manipulations for different areas at one stage, activate every area stage by stage and assign the appropriate manipulations for each of them from the price list. Then deactivate the area. Repeat the actions, if necessary.

6. Add a specialist implementing the treatment stages

If a comprehensive treatment approach is applied, a doctor, who makes a treatment plan, can also plan the treatment stages where other specialists are involved.

The specialist needs to click a doctor icon in the top left corner of a treatment stage and select an appropriate specialist.

7. Assign a treatment plan item discount, if necessary.

If a specialist, who makes a plan, is authorized to assign discounts for patients, he/she can specify a discount in percentage terms for the whole treatment plan or for the individual plan stages when he/she clicks a stage or a plan amount.

A discount can be also assigned for the individual treatment plan stages. To do so, go to Settings → Other → Clinic settings and activate the parameter Assign manipulation discounts in treatment plans. Only a clinic owner can activate this parameter.

Go to Settings → Access rightsaccess right Discount editing in the treatment plans to assign and edit discounts in the treatment plans.

8. Plan editing

Use the function keys on the left panel to edit a saved plan anytime.

The plan can also be printed, sent to the digital signature devices (more information is in Digital signature) to be signed in electronic form and downloaded in PDF format.



A specialist performing planned manipulations shall check them in a plan during the whole treatment process. Follow the sequence of steps to check a stage or a manipulation:

1. First select a stage or a manipulation in the plan.

You can do it in several ways:

  • click the left mouse button on a manipulation in a treatment plan;
  • click the left mouse button on an operation area on a dental formula (tooth, jaw, quadrant);
  • click a doctor icon next to the appropriate treatment stage (if the whole plan shall be selected).

2. When the appropriate price list items are selected, click the Perform button in the right menu.

3. Confirm a manipulation performance status.

In the window for confirming the status of the manipulation, you can change the performer and date, add a clinic mark or diagnosis. Mark done.

4. Create an act of performed works. The image below shows that the performed manipulations become colorless and checked with green.

An act of performed works is automatically generated in the section Finances of a patient card when a specialist checks a manipulation as performed if a Simplified financial model is applied in a clinic.

If a Standard financial model is applied, then an administrator or a clinic head shall manually generate an act of performed works when a doctor performs manipulations provided by a treatment plan:

  1. All manipulations determined as Performed in a treatment plan are automatically added in the tab Performed works of the section Finance in a patient card.
  2. An administrator shall check a box left of the works to be added to one act.
  3. Click the Create an act button.

Specify a person who has generated an act, a date and a clinic mark in the act saving confirmation box. A clinic mark is an affiliate where the works were performed (an affiliate selection parameter is available if a clinic mark function is used).

This is a convenient system for large clinics as it enables additional control over the settlements with patients.

A salary of doctors and assistants working under the specified salary coefficients is calculated on the basis of the created acts of performed works. Most clinic operation reports are also based on the acts of performed works.

5. Organization of a patient treatment history stage.

The performed manipulations provided by the treatment plan automatically generate patient treatment plan stages. That is why a specialist can go to the tab Treatment History when a manipulation is completed and add a comment containing diagnosis, images, dental panoramic X-ray, CT files, STL-files to update the stage.

Herewith, a clinic owner can deactivate the automatic stage creation function in a treatment history during performance of the manipulations provided by a treatment plan. Go to Settings → Other → Clinic settings and deactivate the slider Create a treatment history stage after a manipulation provided by the treatment plan Is performed to deactivate the function.

Important: if a manipulation has been wrongly ticked as Performed, select it once again and click the Mark as unperformed button in the left menu. 



Note that all manipulations can be filtered by their status (All, Performed, Not performed and Next scheduled).

The next manipulations shall not be compulsory tagged but it is convenient because:

  • A doctor can see what shall be done during the next visit even if much time has already passed after the previous visit.
  • An administrator can tell a patient what is planned for the next visit and how much it costs
  • An assistant knows what shall be prepared for a certain visit.

Select the items you want to plan for the next visits and then click the Plan for the next visit button in the left menu.

Just schedule works in the status confirmation box, they will appear only in a patient treatment plan. Then click the Plan for the next visit button. Or just click the Plan for the next visit button to generate a preliminary act of performed works for your patient that will appear in the tab Finances of a patient card. Information about the act will be available in the report Acts.

Preliminary acts are used to agree a treatment cost with a patient. A preliminary act does not form a debt in the patient's finances.

The preliminary acts will allow you to predict a clinic income, for example, when you sort the preliminary acts by the date of execution in the report Acts



The treatment plans, as well as other patient documents (agreements, diagnosis and/or treatment consent), shall be signed and stored both printed and in digital format. A digital device shall be first set up. More information on the setting and using the function is available in the section Digital signature device of the Help. 

Click the appropriate Digital signature button left of the treatment plan to send a treatment plan to a digital signature device.

Select a device to send a treatment plan for signing from the list of already added devices. Then select a plan to be signed from the list of all patient plans. A treatment plan signing date is obligatory.

When a patient signs a document, a notification telling that a document is signed will be sent to a specialist who has sent the document for signing. A signed treatment plan is available in PDF format in the section Documents of a patient card and marked as Signed on the *Device*.



A doctor can also make several alternative treatment plans. To do so, click the All plans button in the top right corner of the page. A page with all treatment plans available for the patient opens.

Here you can view all already made patient treatment plans, approve one of them as the main one, copy or delete the plans. The main treatment plan always opens by default in the section Treatment plans of a patient card. Click the Gear button next to the plan you want to make the main one and select Mark the plan as approved from the menu.

Moreover, you can easily recalculate all treatment plans in compliance with the current price list on the page All plans. To do so, click the Recalculate the plans in Accordance with the price list in the bottom right corner of the page.



A Report of Treatment Plans is a very important internal management tool for work with patients as it enables follow-up current treatment stages for every clinic patient.

This report is in Reports → Treatment plans. The report data are based on the manipulations specified in the acts of performed works. You can easily analyze the data in the report by using the filters from the first row of the table.

Use the filter to sort the following parameters:

  • Percent completed is a parameter to determine correlation between the provided and planned services. The percent completed is calculated for every plan of every patient. Herewith, you can use the parameter Agreed in the report Treatment plans to sort approved and not approved plans.
  • Approved is a parameter to select and view all the approved or alternative patient treatment plans. Use the filter to view data on all treatment plans, the works according to which are performed in a clinic.
    An approved plan is a plan marked with a star if there are several treatment plans for a patient. If there is only one plan, it is considered to be approved by default.
  • Patient status is a parameter to determine all patients of different categories, treatment plans for whom have been made and/or performed.
  • Next visits and reminders are parameters to determine whether a patient is still treated in accordance with the plan.



A group of access rights to the patient treatment plans in clinic in Settings → Access rights includes the following options:

  • Editing of prices in the treatment plans. A specialist authorized to edit prices in the treatment plans can change the cost of any manipulation from the price list at any treatment stage when a treatment plan is created. A specialist without the access right cannot change the cost of manipulations.
  • Access to treatment plans. Inactive access right means that a specialist does not have access to the section Treatment plans in a patient card.
    Thus, a specialist cannot perform any actions provided by the patient treatment plans. More information on all patient treatment plans is available in the report Treatment plans.
  • Access to the treatment plan prices. A specialist without the access right cannot view the manipulation prices in the treatment plans. That means that a specialist can make, edit and delete treatment plans (if he/she has the appropriate access rights) but cannot see the cost of the added manipulations.
  • Editing of discounts in treatment plans. A specialist with the access right can assign or edit a discount in a treatment plan when a treatment plan is created. If the access right is inactive, a specialist cannot assign or edit a discount. There are three types of discounts, namely, discount for the whole treatment plan, for an individual stage of a treatment plan and for an individual price list item.
  • Dental formula editing. A specialist having the access right can create a new stage with a dental formula in a treatment plan and edit an already created dental formula. If the access right is restricted, a specialist can only view an already created dental formula but cannot edit it or create a new one.