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Forgotten patients

The Forgotten Patients report allows you to sort all patients who have been forgotten and not followed up with, as well as identify the reasons for this and eliminate them. 

Forgotten patients are patients for whom a visit was created (for the selected period), but no visits are scheduled in the future and there are no reminders.

The list of forgotten patients can be sorted by the following parameters:

  • Period.
  • Status - allows you to filter patients with certain statuses*.
    *The status of a patient in the clinic may correspond to his or her current stage of treatment (for example, Orthopedics, Periodic patient, etc.). You can specify it by clicking on the patient status indicator to the left of the patient's profile photo. Patient statuses can be added by the clinic owner in the Settings → Other → Patient statuses section.
  • Supervisor - a specialist who accompanies a patient during the treatment process. You can specify the supervisor in the profile section of the patient's card. 

These parameters allow you to track trends in the clinic's work with patients. That is, you can check how many patients did not return to the clinic and find out why (they were not reminded of the visit, the patient forgot, refused treatment, etc.)

The report also has two function buttons opposite each patient. The Make an appointment button takes you to the schedule and allows you to select the desired date, time, and specialist to whom you want to make an appointment. In turn, the Add Reminder button allows you to create a reminder for the clinic's specialists for the selected patient.

You can learn more about working with patient visits in the Visits Manual section.

With the help of the Forgotten patients report, you can systematize your work with patients, track patients who have not yet continued treatment in your clinic, and identify and eliminate the reasons for which treatment was interrupted.