The report Clinic patients includes the main information on the clinic patients and is used as an advanced record of patients. The summary table of the report shows detailed information on every patient and enables sorting of the information with a convenient filter from the first row. Most filter parameters are easy-to-use and show information from the user profile. Nevertheless, we would like to pay special attention to the following parameters:
1. Identify the corresponding specialist in the field Doctor’s patient;
2. Specify a doctor rate under every price list item in the Settings - Specialist salary - Salary coefficient - Doctor’s patients;
3. A doctor salary will be further calculated with a coefficient other than the main one when you save an act of performed work for a patient if the doctor is specified in the Doctor’s patient section in his/her card.
An additional Filter button in the right upper corner enables filtering of all patients by the executed manipulations when you select a necessary price list item. All filter parameters are combined depending on your needs.
The report can be printed or exported to the Excel format.
The access right Access to All Clinic Patients set in Settings →Access rights provides access to the report Clinic patients containing the main information on the clinic patients. This report is used as an advanced patient record.
A specialist without the access right is unable to view such reports as Clinic patients, Forgotten patients, Birthdays.