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Access by IP

Access by IP enables restriction of access to all or some data in the Cliniccards system individually for every clinic employee. 

Access by IP is applied when you need to restrict access to the clinic virtual space for the specialists when they are out of the clinic.

The following parameters of access to the clinic virtual space can be set individually for every specialist in Cliniccards:

  • Access from any IP is by default provided by the system to all clinic participants. Thus, clinic employees can use their account to enter the clinic virtual space and view the available information when they are connected to any Internet access point. The access right is mainly assigned to the heads of clinics.
  • Access by allowed IPs enable blocking the access to view data in Cliniccards for the employees when they are out of the clinic or use not approved Internet access point. The restriction is usually assigned to the junior administrator.
  • Access only for the allowed IPs, except for the schedule enables restriction of access to the clinic data in such a way that only the schedule is available to the clinic participants using prohibited ID to enter the clinic if they have the corresponding access right. The access parameter perfectly matches for the doctors and assistants, as they always have access to their actual schedule even when they are out of the clinic.

Please, make sure that your clinic has a static IP (contact your Internet-provider) before setting such parameters as Access only for the allowed IP-addresses and Access only for the allowed IP-addresses except for the schedule. Then specify your clinic IP-address in the corresponding text field.

After that, any IP-address, except for the allowed one, will be blocked as provided in accordance with the access requirements.