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Salary Accrual

The report Salary accrual is a summary table with the salary accrual parameters for every employee for a selected calendar month.

There are the following parameters for every employee in the table:

  • Rate is a monthly salary specified in the Settings → Salary.
  • Hourly rate and Hourly rate 2 is an hourly rate amount specified in the Settings → Salary.
  • % by works is a calculated amount of values of services provided to the patients by a  specialist.
  • Hours by shifts is a number of hours in the completed shifts created in a schedule of a specialist.
  • Hourly salary is a parameter showing a specialist salary depending on the number of hours worked during the shifts assigned for an employee. (Hourly salary = Specialist hourly rate * Number of hours in the completed shift.)
  • Perks is a parameter that allows you to specify an amount of perks accrued to a specialist for a month selected in the table (perks are specified directly in the salary table).
  • Fines is a parameter that enables deducting of the large amount of fines directly from the employee salary (the fines are specified directly in the salary table).
  • Accrued is an amount of salary accrued in a table for a selected month. In this parameter you can manually change an amount. In this case a star* that means a change of the amount will appear next to the value.
  • Paid is a salary amount paid for a period selected in the table.
  • To be paid is a due amount for a month selected in the table.

All salaries paid to a specialist shall be specified in the system.Click the Pay salary button that can be in two colors:

  • Green color means that a salary for a current month has been paid;
  • Blue color means that a salary has not been fully or partially paid.

The Accrual button provides a detailed salary calculation, including a list of provided services, cost of services and doctor’s salary depending on every work performed ( the information is generated on the basis of the acts of performed works).

It should be noted, that Cliniccards by default has a system of salary calculation where a percent of performed works is accrued to a specialist when an act of performed works is saved. The specialist shall be a person who performed the works under the act.

An owner of a clinic where a specialist salary is accrued, when a patient pays the provided services, shall change the salary accrual system. 

Go to Settings → Other → Clinic settings and click the Calculate salary by actual patient payments button to switch to the system.

When you change a salary accrual system, you must specify a month of switching to a new specialist salary calculation principle in the field Date of switching to the Salary accrual by actual patient payments to simplify analysis of the clinic finances in future.

When your clinic switches to the calculation of doctors’ salary by actual patient payments, you can activate an option Patients with debts at the bottom of the table Salary accrual. Then there is an additional field Patients with debts containing information of the total indebtedness amount of patients served by a doctor. More information on the patients with debts is available in the corresponding report Patients with debts.