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Waiting list

The report Waiting list is an interactive report that enables optimization of the working schedule in the clinic and doctors’ load.The report provides more detailed information on every patient from the waiting list. You can also add a patient to the waiting list in the report.

Use the waiting list to quickly fill the gaps in the work schedules of specialists by means of the list of patients waiting for a visit to a certain specialist. For this purpose, add the patients who will be added as soon as a required specialist has a gap to the waiting list.

Click the icon Waiting list in the upper panel and select the Add a patient to the waiting lists button. You can edit and delete the created records.

Click Book an appointment next to the corresponding patient to quickly make an appointment for a patient from the waiting list and then create a new record in the schedule. It should be noted that the corresponding patient and doctor are matched automatically when a visit is created.

A patient's status is changed to the Appointed when a visit record for him/her is created and then the patient is automatically deleted from the list.