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Administrator shifts

The report Administrator shifts is a summary table allowing tracking of the work schedules, worked shifts, key performance indicators (KPI) of administrator and other clinic employees added in the settings of schedule in Settings → Schedule → Types of employees.

A salary of the specialists is mainly calculated on the hourly rates to be set in Settings → Specialist salary.
The Cliniccards system automatically calculates a specialist salary depending on the total number of hours worked during the shifts specified in the schedule if you specify an hourly rate value for the specialist.

Use key performance indicators (KPI) (for example, required number of patient assignments per day, calls, etc.) to increase performance of your administrators. Go to Settings → Other → Administrator KPI to add KPI parameters to ensure further monitoring.

Then just open the shifts of administrators in the schedule or use the report to determine results for every shift.

Summary shifts for calculation of the clinic employees’ salaries are in Reports → Salary accounting.