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Visits in the schedule

Patient visits are booked in the clinic in accordance with the work schedule of all clinic employees when the schedules for doctors, assistants and administrators are set up.

Go to the tab Doctors and patients in the Schedule to add a patient visit.

Now point a cursor on a free time in the schedule, click the right mouse button (or double click) in the appropriate place. Select a Patient visit from the menu to open a patient visit booking box where you need to fill in all the compulsory fields (patient, doctor, cabinet, visit date and time, comment).

Click the Plus button next to the field Patient if you need to add a first-time patient into the schedule. A box where you need to enter a patient contact data will appear. A new patient card will be created in Cliniccards when you click the Save button notwithstanding on whether a visit has been saved or not.

It is recommended to add important information in the field Comment when you create every visit. The clinic employees use the comments for the fast navigation in the general patient visit schedule and in the history of visits of the specific patient. The visit comments also enable fast search of the necessary visits in the reports by keywords.

Clinic administrators often put marks in the comments when they book visits of patients. For example, they specify a problem a patient comes with, important visit information, etc.

A theme emoji can be used as an additional visual marker for visits. It is an exclusively informational parameter and appears only in the Schedule and in the tab Visits of the patient card. Click Gear at the top or select the appropriate icon to add the icon to a patient visit when you create a new or edit an already created visit. Repeat the procedure to add two icons at the same time. Select Gear from the list of available symbols to remove an icon.

Thus, the emojis help a clinic specialist to understand patient-related situations, determine necessary manipulations and what is needed to be prepared.

The full information on the patient visits is available in the report Patient visits. The report data can be filtered by all parameters from the first row of the report.



Selection of a current status from the list of the proposed ones is compulsory when you create or edit a visit. The list is in the top left corner of the visit creation box. A visit is by default created with the status Scheduled. Change the status into Performed when the visit is over. The specified visit statuses have a direct impact on the statistics and enable following up, performance regulation and arrangement of the doctor work process.

Thus, for example, the report Delay in patient visits is generated automatically and based on the information on the change of a patient visit status. A visit delay time is a period between changing the patient visit status from In the Clinic to In the cabinet.

Use the report Doctor loads to analyze other doctor performance parameters. This report is based on the data of visits having status Performed in the schedule.

All patient visits can be followed up in the report Patient visits.

Remember that reminders are sent only to the patients having the booked visits with status Scheduled and Confirmed when an automatic sms-sending is used in the clinic.



Time reserves are used to create any visits, which are not patient visits, in the schedule.

Time reserves is a convenient tool for scheduling meetings, premise sterilization, training, etc. Go to Settings → Schedule → Time reserves to create time reserves to be used in the clinic schedules.

Click the right mouse button on the appropriate place in the Schedule and select Create a time reserve from the context menu to add an already created time reserve into the current work schedule.

Time reserves are optional elements of the clinic schedule. A history of all created time reserves is available in the report Editing log. Herewith, use a filter of the time reserve actions.