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Work with insurance companies

Cliniccards has convenient functions that ensure convenient work with insurance companies (IC).

1. First add information on the insurance companies in Settings - Other - Insurance companies. A company name (short) appears in a patient card next to his/her name and in the schedule in the pop-up screen of the card. Discounts are assigned to insurance companies if the discounts are assigned in the mutual settlements of the insurance company and a clinic.

2. Then create and set up the template Report on the invoices for insurance companies (or several templates in compliance with the requirement of an insurance company) using the appropriate inserts in Settings - Other - Document templates:

3. Activate the following parameters in the section Settings - Other - Clinic settings:

  • show the field Diagnosis in the acts
  • copy acts of performed works for insurance companies (if a certificate of insurance is added for a patients)

4. Fill in the appropriate fields (limits of the certificate of insurance, franchise, etc.) at the bottom of the page Add a certificate of insurance in a profile of a patient  served by the certificate of insurance.

5. The acts for insurance companies are generated automatically when services are provided to the patients with the certificates of insurance added in their profiles. The field diagnosis can be filled with diagnosis templates depending on the works performed.

6. Edit an Act for Insurance Companies and specify the appropriate amount paid by a patient in the field Paid if an insurance company partially covers total treatment cost. The amount paid by a patient and an insurance company are specified individually when the payments are accepted.

7. Go to Reports - Clinic patients - Patients with debts - Patients with debts (insurance companies), the button in the bottom right corner of the page to monitor and analyze information on the limits of the certificates of insurance.

8. A report for an insurance company is in the section Reports - Clinic reports - Report for insurance companies. The report is generated by any insurance company for any period. Select a table of report 1 or 2 (more detailed information is provided in Table 2).