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Waiting queue

‘We will contact you as soon as the doctor is free’ - a phrase that often creates misunderstanding between a patient and a doctor even before the treatment. Sheets of paper containing names and phone numbers tend to get lost and take the clinic`s performance indicators with them.

For the avoidance of such situations, we have created a ‘Waiting queue’ feature making it possible to form a list of all patients who have arranged a visit to a particular doctor and quickly check out this list if a specialist has a gap.

To create a new record, click on the ‘Waiting queue’ icon in the top right corner and ‘Add patient to queue’. Select an existing patient. Add a comment, for instance, a phone number, a patient`s preferences, and select an appropriate specialist. It is possible to edit and delete the ready records by clicking the appropriate buttons.

To make an appointment for a patient from the waiting queue, click the ‘Make an appointment’ button and create a new record in the schedule. Please note that the ‘Patient`s Visit’ window has an automatic selection of a patient and a doctor.

Once a record is created, it is granted the ‘In progress’ [OO1] status. Subsequently, the status of the record can be changed to ‘Done’ or ‘Cancelled’.

To learn more about the Waiting queue, go to the ‘Reports’/‘Waiting queue’ [OO2] section. This section has the same principle of search, filtering and editing as other reports do. Only employees with access can view this report (‘Settings’ / ‘Access settings’ / and tick the ‘Works with waiting list’[OO3] box).