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SMS confirmation of patient visit

Now a patient can confirm a visit via SMS or cancel it by specifying the reason.

Settings - Other - SMS settings

Use SMS notifications to remind a patient of the upcoming visit.

SMS notifications are sent from cliniccards automatically a day before the visit (or another set period) on behalf of the clinic.

To enable SMS notifications, go to Settings - Other - Enable SMS notification.

An SMS notification may contain a patient`s name, date and time of a visit, name of a doctor, and a link to confirm a visit.

If a confirmation link is added to an SMS notification, a patient can go to the visit confirmation page and click the confirmation button ‘Yes! I will come!’ or cancelation button ‘No! I will not come!’

If confirmed, the Planned status of a visit will be switched to the Confirmed one. In case of cancelation, a patient can select one of three reasons and leave a comment, if needed. After that, the Planned status of a visit will be switched to the Canceled one, and the reason for the cancellation will be shown in the comments section.

Patients, who fail to read an SMS notification, confirm or cancel a visit, will have the Planned status. The administrator may contact a patient and confirm a visit by phone. This will help to manage your working time efficiently.

Now using the reminders is easy and smart.