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Update of the report Workload of cabinets. Developed with the participation of Sharunas Perminas.

The Cliniccards team has recently started updating the reporting in the system. So, we are pleased to present the updated report Workload of cabinets

This report was developed in collaboration with Sharūnas Perminas, managing partner of VICklinica, Vilnius, ADENTA, Riga, author of the business courses "Management of personnel and treatment processes in the clinic", "Financial management in dental practice". 

For Sharunas, clear and detailed reporting is important, allowing him to quickly and accurately assess the key performance indicators of the clinic. One of the parameters that needs to be tracked is the occupancy of the clinic and each of the rooms - you can view it using the updated report Workload of cabinets.

Sharunas has repeatedly emphasized that the business model of a dental clinic is very simple:

  1. You need to increase revenue per hour of clinic operation.
  2. Have the lowest possible expenses per hour.
  3. Work the maximum number of hours available to the clinic.

How to increase revenue per hour? Set the highest possible prices that the market allows.

How to minimize expenses? Fill the clinic with patients!

How to work the maximum amount of time? On the one hand, by filling the clinic with patients, and on the other hand, by expanding (additional chairs, offices, branches).

That's why it's so important to keep track of the clinic's occupancy and the workload of the cabinets! For this purpose, we now have a new report called Workload of cabinets.

The updated report allows you to track the workload of each doctor, cabinet, and clinic as a whole. The workload is tracked by 4 different criteria:

  • Maximum cabinet/clinic workload - defined as the total number of working hours of the clinic and each of the cabinets that are available for creating doctor shifts and/or patient visits.
  • Agreed workload of the cabinet/clinic - the total number of assigned hours of work shifts for each doctor and for each cabinet.
  • Actual workload of the cabinet/clinic - the total number of hours allocated for visits in the schedule. The report includes visits with all statuses except Rescheduled and Canceled. 
  • Free hours:
    • Total - the total number of hours in the clinic or office that are available for patients to make an appointment. This parameter is calculated as the difference between the maximum and actual workload of the clinic or office.
    • for a doctor - the total number of hours in the clinic or office that are available for making appointments for this doctor. This parameter is calculated as the difference between the contractual and actual workload of the doctor.

For more details on how the report works, as well as formulas for calculating its main parameters, see the Help section of the Workload of cabinets report.