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It is not infrequent that the next patient`s visit is planned in a month or two (preventive cleaning, follow-up visit, etc.) and the precise time is to be agreed closer to the exact date. The ‘Reminders’ makes it possible to contact a patient on time or to accomplish any other clinic-related tasks.

To create a new reminder, go to the corresponding patient’s card in the ‘Visits’ tab and click ‘Add a Reminder’. Select a date, insert the text of the reminder in the comment and select a responsible person. A responsible person will receive a notification on the specified day.

Click the bell icon in the top right corner to view all the reminders. It is really easy to handle reminders: view, edit and delete them. To make an appointment for a precise time specified in the Reminder, click the ‘Make an appointment’ and make a new appointment in the Schedule. Please note that the ‘Patient`s Visit’ window has an automatic selection of a patient and a doctor.

Once a reminder is created, it is granted the ‘Planned’ status. Subsequently, the status of the reminder can be changed to ‘Done’, ‘Cancelled’ or ‘Transferred’.

To check the reminder information for all employees, go to ‘Reports’/ ‘Reminders’. This section has the same principle of search, filtering and editing as other reports do. Only employees with access can view this report (‘Settings’ / ‘Access settings’ / and tick the ‘Works with reminders’ box).