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Periodontal chart in Cliniccards!

The dental formula in Cliniccards simplifies the work of dentists, as it allows to schematically reproduce the clinical picture of the patient. We are pleased to announce that the Periodontal chart has now been added to Cliniccards! This will allow you to quickly and conveniently describe periodontal cases!

The work on filling out the Periodontal chart is performed in the Treatment history section of the patient's card. 

To create a periodontal chart form as a new stage in the treatment history, click the Periodontal chart button.

After that, the system will generate a new stage in the treatment history with a periodontal chart.

In this stage, you can describe each tooth of the upper and lower jaw vestibularly and orally. Using the following parameters: 

  • Tooth status;
  • Mobility;
  • Furcation;
  • Bleeding on Probing;
  • Suppuration;
  • Plaque;
  • Gingival margin;
  • Probing depth.

The Bleeding, Suppurating and Plaque shortcuts allow you to set these parameters in seconds! Each of these keys corresponds to one of the letters in the name of the parameter:

  • Bleeding - key B (Bleeding);
  • Suppuration - key S (Suppuration);
  • Plaque - key P (Plague);
  • Press the Tab to move the cursor to the next label.

After all the necessary parameters are set for all teeth, click the Save button. A new stage will be created in the patient's treatment history with a schematic representation of the periodontal formula and the calculated

  • percentage of bleeding;
  • percentage of suppuration;
  • percentage of plaque;
  • average probing depth;
  • and average attachment level.

Based on the created Periodontal chart, you can create a Dental formula in two clicks, which will immediately include all the data. And vice versa! Based on the Dental formula, you can also create a Periodontal chart!

This allows doctors of different specialties to harmoniously cooperate, because they can not only view the data entered by each other, but also create their own on their own!