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Modern dental formula

Most doctors have to use an old-fashioned schematic dental formula.

Сliniccards has delivered on the cutting-edge approach in the diagnostics and planning of treatment of a patient.

We recommend using a modern dental formula of a new generation! In order to do that, just take a few photos and a panoramic picture. Select the photos you need in the patient`s history and place them in a user-friendly collage (at least two occlusive photos of the upper and lower jaw and a picture are required).

When creating a collage, with the help of sequential selection chose the order in which the photos will be placed.

This approach makes it possible for you to:

  • describe the clinical picture in as much detail as possible;
  • create a treatment plan in a prompt manner;
  • clearly show a patient the issues and give reasons for treatment;
  • analyze the before/after work done - demonstrate the entire result;
  • prepare cases for presentation or speech;
  • use collage in advertising.

This kind of visualization makes it possible to describe the clinical picture in as much detail as possible and create a treatment plan in a prompt manner. You can see a dental formula on one screen, show it to a patient and explain why a patient needs treatment.

All that works out much better!