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Main updates of October in Cliniccards

In October, we did not get bored because of many reasons. Despite the situation in our country, our team continues to do our best. 

So, in October, we completed the following improvements in Cliniccards:


  1. The system and landing page were redesigned and Cliniccards 2.0 was launched

With updated interface, colors and symbols. We also optimized the operation of some functions and moved the work panel up, which increased the work space.

  1. Then we did a redesign of the redesign

Brought back the Cliniccards 1.0 color scheme and improved the calendar.

  1. Added a new report "Deleted patients"

This report is available only to the owner of the clinic and allows recovery of patient records that have been deleted.

  1. Optimized the "Log of edits" report

This report is now faster and retains data for any period.

  1. The "Family" column has been added to the clinic's patients report.

With this, you can trace your patients' family relationships right in this report.

  1. Improve the reliability and safety of the service

We carried out a large-scale set of measures to strengthen the security of transmission and save data in the system. Therefore, Cliniccards has become an even more reliable and secure service for the operation of the clinic.


This month was very productive. Cliniccards has become an even more modern, reliable and safe service for the work of clinics.