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How to understand patients even better? A new report in Cliniccards - Demographics!

The main role of reports in Cliniccards is to help the clinic better understand and visualize its work. How many manipulations are performed, which are more popular and which are not, how much money is spent, where new patients come from.

Speaking of patients. Analyzing the current patient base allows the clinic to choose the right ways of development and find “its patient”. 

For this purpose, a new report Demographics has been added to Cliniccards! It displays charts with detailed demographic information about the clinic's patient base.

  1. Gender and age groups of patients.

The report starts with basic information about your patients, namely their total number in the database and the percentage of men and women. Furthermore, it provides information about age groups, both in general and by gender.

  1. Patient statuses.

Using patient statuses allows you to more accurately segment the clinic's patient base. In turn, the analysis of the number and percentage of patients with certain statuses allows you to estimate the number of patients for each status and plan work with them.

  1. How new patients found out about the clinic.

This chart helps to understand which sources of promotion are more effective in attracting new patients, as it displays their percentage and quantitative indicators.

  1. Financial analysis of the patient base.

Next, the report offers a number of charts that analyze the base by key financial indicators, such as Patient Payments, Treatment Plan Amount, Discounts, and even Patients with a certain number of visits.

Each of these charts contains different quantitative ranges and their percentages.

  1. Registration period.

This switch significantly adds flexibility to the report, as it allows you to analyze the demographics of the clinic's patients for a certain period. 

  1. Filter by work performed.

Our favorite feature of the report. Thanks to this feature, the report allows you not only to analyze the patient base, but also to make a detailed analysis depending on the services provided.

Simply put, you can always check which category of patients prefers certain types of work!