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The Cliniccards team works every day to reduce the amount of routine work of every clinic employee - manager, administrator, doctor and assistant.

Precisely for the sake of simplifying the work of doctors Cliniccards specialists have developed an innovative dental formula that is anatomically accurate and allows to schematically reproduce the patient's health condition.

Еo use the dental formula, you need to go to the Treatment History which located in the patient's card.

To add a dental formula form as a new step in the treatment history, click the Dental formula button.

After that, the system will generate a new dental formula stage of the treatment history.

The window of the new stage is conditionally divided into two fields: on the left side is a scheme of the dental formula, and on the right side is a list of tools for working with formula.

To fill out the scheme, do the following actions:

  1. Select the needed working tool from the list on the right (eg Caries, Periodontitis, Crown, etc.).

  2. Click on the desired element directly on the formula - tooth surface, root, periodontium, etc. After that, the system will assign the appropriate status to this element.

  3. Repeat this step as many times as needed.

  4.  When you finish filling, click the Save button.

After that, a new stage is formed in the history of the patient's treatment with a schematic representation of the dental formula and a comment on it. The comment is also generated automatically.

Please note: for the convenience of filling out the dental formula in its editing mode, the Photos and files button is available to the user, which can be used to open a panel that displays all images and files contained in the patient's treatment history.

In this way, the doctor can fill in the dental formula based on the real data of the patient's diagnosis. This significantly simplifies the process of entering data into the dental formula and prevents inaccuracies in its filling