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Main updates of November 2023 in Cliniccards.

The Cliniccards team works tirelessly to improve the experience of each user. It is important for us to ensure that the system helps you solve everyday tasks and creates the most comfortable working environment. That is why we are constantly working on updated features that are designed to make Cliniccards even more understandable and easy to use!

Some of the updates were completed in November 2023, and we will be happy to inform you about them:

  1. Enhanced security.

While most of these updates may not be visually noticeable to the user, their importance cannot be overstated. Therefore, do not be surprised that we are constantly working and talking about it, because the security of each user's data is an absolute priority for the Cliniccards team.

  1. To the reports Patients with advance and Patients with debt have been added new tabs Patients with advance for period and Patients with debt for period.

These tabs completely replace individual reports, so you don't need to open them in a new browser window. Therefore, working with patients' finances has become even more convenient!

  1. The ability to change the language of Manual and Tooltips has been added.

Changing the language is useful if you need to display system tips in another language. Please note that the settings of a different language for Manual and Tooltips will be canceled if you change the primary language in My account.

  1. Added search to the Manual.

No need to read through the entire Manual to find the information you need just enter your request in the search bar and the system will show you all the articles on the topic!

  1. The SMS delivery settings has been updated.

The SMS delivery setting has been updated with the Sent messages and Mailing lists tabs, which makes it much easier to view sent messages. Moreover, in each patient's profile, you can now disable certain messages if the patient does not want to receive them.

  1. The capabilities of the Super Administrator have been expanded.

Now such a specialist can block the clinic. As a reminder, the Super Administrator right allows any clinic member to access specific settings that are available only to the clinic owner by default.

Our team is grateful to each of you for choosing Cliniccards! We will continue to improve the system so that you can focus on what matters most working with patients!