Odontologija Kosmetologija Kaina Kontaktai Registruotis Prisijungti
Odontologija Kosmetologija Kaina Kontaktai Prisijungti Registruotis

Schedules of assistants, administrators and other clinic`s participants

Cliniccards has added a schedule for assistants, administrators, and other staff.

Now it is possible to set schedule shifts for every clinic`s employee.

Several assistants can work simultaneously during a doctor`s shift.

To view the working schedule of doctors and assistants, click on the shift of an employee and a prompt will show you all the shifts set for a month. For instance, early shift, late shift, or full-day shift.

Shifts have two statuses: planned and completed. Completed shifts are used to accrue salaries.

Doctors` shifts and assistants` shifts are recorded in the relevant cabinets. At the same time, administrators` shifts and other employees` shifts are divided by employee type. To configure the types of employees whose shifts you would like to keep in a schedule, go to Settings - Schedule, Types of employees button.