Odontologija Kosmetologija Kaina Kontaktai Registruotis Prisijungti
Odontologija Kosmetologija Kaina Kontaktai Prisijungti Registruotis

Download report to Excel

To make it even more convenient, Cliniccards has enabled the function of downloading the following reports in Excel format:

Section ‘Clinic reports’ - Workload of doctors, Expenses, 1C clinic manipulation, 1C clinic payments;

Section ‘My reports’ - My performed works;

Section ‘Schedule, Reminders, Waiting Queue’ – Patients` visits, Doctors` shifts, Assistants` shifts, Administrators` shifts, Reminders, Waiting queue;

Section ‘Patients’ - Patients of the Clinic, Patients with debt, Patients with advance, Invoices,
Patients` payments, Performed works;

Section ‘Salary’ - Salary accruals, Salary journal.